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Education and Formation

A cross graphic + next to ministry titles indicates ministries that encourage and welcome YOUTH participation.

OCIA Journey of Faith (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults) – OCIA is the process by which the Church welcomes people who are interested in knowing more about the Catholic Faith in order to discern whether God is calling them to enter into full communion with the Catholic Church. Team members and sponsors are needed to walk this Journey with those discerning this new life of Faith. This ministry meets weekly for 90 minutes from August to May. Contact: Rick Rhodes- 270-683-6525 or 270-313-8370 – [email protected]

Faith Formation for Children+ – This ministry provides faith formation education for children in grades Kindergarten through fifth grade. Classes are held on most Sunday mornings from 9:30 am-10:50 am, September through May. Catechists (age 18 or over) and assistants (adults or Confirmed youth) are needed to share the gift of faith. Training and formation provided. Diocesan Safe Environment certification is required for volunteers age 18 and over. Contact: Cheryl Powell- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]

Sponsor Couples – Married couples sponsor an engaged couple and share their wisdom and experience from a Christian perspective. Training is required and provided. Time commitment includes meeting with the engaged couple for 5 sessions before their wedding and 2 sessions afterwards. Contact: Donna Murphy- 270 683-6525 – [email protected]