A cross graphic + next to ministry titles indicates ministries that encourage and welcome YOUTH participation.
Parish Meals and Receptions – Volunteers are needed for planning and preparing for events such as luncheons, parish missions, sacramental celebration receptions, and other events throughout the year; times vary (e.g., midday, evening, weekend). This is a great ministry for those who enjoy planning, cooking, baking, serving, or entertaining. Time commitment: varies depending on the event. Contact: Alex Reid- 270-925-0049 – [email protected]
Dedication Anniversary Celebration+ – Held each September, this celebration commemorates the anniversary of the dedication of our church building. Volunteers are needed to serve on or chair for a variety of committees such as dinner planning, set up, serving, clean up, and more. Many helping hands needed; planning usually begins in May. Contact: Alex Reid- 270-925-0049 – [email protected]
Parish Cooking Team – In past years, Burgoo and BBQ chicken were cooked for our Dedication Anniversary dinner and sales or possibly other times during the year. Volunteers helped with burgoo preparation, cooking, dispensing, and transporting to our church; for barbequing and transporting of chicken; and for working pre-sales and sales/drive-through at our parish. Cooking took place on the campus of Precious Blood Parish. We would love to raise volunteers to revive this ministry. Time commitment: approximately 4 hours on Friday and 4 hours on Saturday; time for sales/drive-through is generally 3-4 hours. Adult male and female volunteers welcome and needed! Contact: Coordinators Needed – Contact Parish Office- 270-683-6525
Ice Cream Social – This event is held on or near June 26 and celebrates the “half” feast day of Saint Stephen (Dec. 26) and features an evening of fellowship and delicious ice cream treats. Volunteers are needed to plan, acquire supplies, setup, serve, and clean-up. Contact: Sarah Mills- 270-570-0341- [email protected]
Fall Block Party – This event is held the Sunday before Halloween each year and offers families a safe alternative for children to Trick-or-Treat. Parishioners are invited to decorate their vehicles and distribute candy to the children; children are invited to wear costumes and Trick-or-Treat at each vehicle. Volunteers are needed to help plan, set-up, serve food/refreshments, participate in Chili cook-off, and clean-up. Contact: Karina Romero- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]
Cathedral Docents – Volunteer docents extend a warm welcome and provide enlightening, interesting Cathedral tours to individuals or groups throughout the year. More docents are always needed and welcome; training is provided. Time commitment: approximately 1-2 hours per tour, several times per year. Contact: Eddy McFarland- 270-929-4592 – [email protected]
Funeral Meals – Funeral meals, served in the Community Center following parish funerals, offer comfort and hospitality to bereaved families. Volunteers prepare and bring dishes to the church and/or assist in set-up, serving, and cleanup. Volunteers are contacted by coordinators as the need arises. We are also in need of one more Funeral Meal Leader. Contacts: Gene Lyon- 270-684-3358 – [email protected] or Freda Rhodes- 270-683-5368 – [email protected] (3 additional leaders needed) – Contact parish office- 270-683-6525
Meal Train – This ministry provides meals for families on a short-term basis such as after the birth of a child, surgery, illness, miscarriage, injury, or death in the family. Volunteers should send coordinator an email, then sign up online at Mealtrain.com to provide meals. Assistance is available with registration if needed. Donations of gift cards that can be used for take-out meals for families are welcome. If you know of parishioners in need of meals…Contact: Sarah McCarter- 270-993-0800 – [email protected]
Funeral Mass Greeters – Volunteers support bereaved families by serving as greeters for funeral Masses, welcoming all who arrive, distributing worship aids, and providing information as needed. Time commitment: approximately 1.5 hours (including Mass). Contact: James Wells- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]
Welcoming Committee – This committee helps welcome new members to our parish family. Volunteers host and provide food for New Parishioner Receptions, hosted in the Community Center several times throughout the year. If you enjoy meeting new people and sharing your pride for our parish, the Welcoming Committee welcomes your participation! Contact: Alex Reid- 270-925-0049 – [email protected]
Parish Photography/Videography – If you enjoy taking photos, this is a great ministry for you! Volunteer photographers take photos at events, ministry functions, or special liturgies. Photos may be used for our parish bulletin, pictorial directory, website, or social media. The Parish Photography/Videography team to ensure that all parish activities are photographed for the use of Parish content creation for social media, print, and online publication Contacts: Alex Reid- 270-925-0049 – [email protected] or Donna Duffy- 270-315-1692 – [email protected]