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A cross graphic + next to ministry titles indicates ministries that encourage and welcome YOUTH participation.

Art and Environment – Help maintain the beauty of our worship space by assisting in the planning, setup, and removal of seasonal decorations and caring for flowers or plants. If you enjoy flower arranging and can assist on days when placing and/or removing decorations takes place, we need your participation. Time commitment: varies with the liturgical season. Planning lasts about 1 hour. Contact: Rick Rhodes- 270-683-6525 or 270-313-8370 – [email protected]

Sacristans – Sacristans work behind the scenes to prepare the vessels and altar, help ensure that liturgical ministers are present, and ensure the sacristy is tidy after the liturgy. Training is provided. Sacristans are needed for all weekend Masses and other liturgies throughout the year. Time commitment: approximately 1.5 hours per Mass. Contact: Coordinator Needed- 270-683-6525

Eucharistic Ministers+ – Eucharistic Ministers assist in distributing The Body and Blood of Christ at Mass. Training is provided. Adults and high school youth who have received Confirmation are welcome to serve. Contacts: Tom & Amy Payne- 270-686-7739 – [email protected] or Sister Monica Seaton- 270-702-0232 – [email protected]

Lectors+ – Lectors proclaim the appointed Scripture Readings at liturgies. Training is provided. Adults and high school youth who have received Confirmation are welcome to serve. Contact: Jennifer Welch- 270-929-0907 – [email protected]

Altar Servers+ – Altar Servers serve for weekend Masses and other liturgies. Training and formation are provided. Open to youth ages 3rd grade and older. Adult servers are also needed and welcome for both weekday and weekend Masses. Time commitment: approximately 1.5 hours per scheduled Mass. Contacts: Ross Leigh- 270-316-4091 – [email protected] or Peyton Booth- 270-570-7396 – [email protected]

Hospitality Ministers+ – Hospitality Ministers welcome everyone arriving for Mass. They distribute worship aids and bulletins, assist with seating, recruit Gift Bearers, conduct the Offertory collection, and maintain awareness for anyone needing assistance. Adults and youth are welcome. Training is provided. Hospitality Ministers are needed for all weekend Masses. Time commitment: approximately 1.5 hours per scheduled Mass. Contacts: David Hemingway- 270-485-3075 – [email protected]

Liturgy Coordinators – Occasionally, details and elements are added to liturgies (e.g., during Holy Week) which extend beyond the scope of regularly scheduled liturgical ministers. Volunteers are needed to coordinate and oversee the details for these liturgies. Time commitment: varies, including meeting with pastoral staff for planning and approximately 30 minutes before/after the liturgy. Contacts: Alex Reid- 270-925-0049 – [email protected] or James Wells- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]

Children’s Liturgy of the Word+ – Adult leaders (age 18 and over) and assistants (middle-school age and over) are needed for this program, offered during the 8:30 AM Sunday Mass. Children ages 4 through first communion are guided through scripture, apart from the adult assembly, to bring the Word of God to them at their level. Training is provided. Diocesan Safe Environment certification is required for volunteers 18 and over. Contact: Cheryl Powell- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]

Diocesan Event Welcomers (DEWs) – DEWs serve as ambassadors for our diocese and parish by welcoming all who attend diocesan-sponsored Masses or events as well as Arts at the Cathedral concerts. DEWs distribute worship aids/programs and provide information as needed. Time commitment: approximately 2.5 hours per event, 5-6 times per year. Contacts: Alex Reid- 270-925-0049 – [email protected] or James Wells- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]

Ministers of Care – Ministers of Care visit and take Communion to parishioners who are homebound or reside in nursing homes. Home visits take place on Friday mornings; nursing home visits usually take place on Sundays. Diocesan Vulnerable Adult Ministry (VAM) certification is required. The time commitment: approximately 2-3 hours each week. Contact: Father John M. Thomas- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]

Ministry of Praise – This ministry is perfect for those who are no longer able to be as involved as much as they would like due to the challenges of aging or declining health. Volunteers receive monthly letters from the Pastoral Staff and spend time in regular prayer for a variety of intentions. Contact: Crissy Stevenson- 270-683-6525 – [email protected]

Pew Police+ – These volunteers keep our worship space looking beautiful by ensuring that pews are orderly for the next Mass. This includes organizing the hymnals and picking up worship aids, trash, or items left in the pews. Volunteers are not scheduled but are encouraged to serve at any Mass they attend. Time commitment: 20-30 minutes after Mass. (Please note: Service in this ministry does not fulfill ministry expectations for OCS school families.) Contact: Alex Reid- 270-925-004 – [email protected]

Livestreaming – Volunteers with an interest in, or knack for, computers and technology are needed to operate our livestream system for Masses (4:30 PM Saturday), as well as other liturgies or events. Time commitment: approximately 2 hours per event. Training is provided. Contact: John Calhoun- 270-316-9102 – [email protected]