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March 28, 2021 – Palm Sunday

  1. Happy Resurrection and Welcome! Easter is bigger than baskets and bonnets, colored or chocolate eggs. For Christians around the world, Easter celebrates Jesus’ Risen Life, but also our share in it. Easter celebrate Jesus’ love for all humanity, but also our call to love as Jesus did. Easter is about darkness giving way to Light, death giving way to Life, sacrifice giving way to Love. We are to be the “disciple whom Jesus loved” who sees the emptiness of materialism, consumerism, electronic distractions, and sin. The goodness and generosity of our lives challenges others to see and believe, to see and love, to see and come to the Light! On behalf of Father Sinoj Pynadath, our Parish Pastoral Team, and Pastoral Council, I wish for you the New Life, the New Hope which our Risen Lord can give! It is good that you are here! Alleluia! Alleluia!

  2. Welcome to our New Members! We wholeheartedly congratulate our catechumen, Ray Adams, and our candidates, Lesley Adams and Debbie Osborne, who became full members of the Catholic Church at our Easter Vigil on April 3. They have been journeying with us for at least a year through the process of the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults). We are delighted to have them celebrate the Sacraments of the Church with our community of faith. Would you or do you know someone who might be interested in knowing more about our Catholic faith? Contact us at the Cathedral Parish Office, 270-683-6525.

  3. Stay Connected! I encourage you to take advantage of visiting our website, Facebook page, and our YouTube Channel to stay informed about our parish! These are convenient ways to stay in touch with happenings and activities of our parish and diocese through pictures, Sunday Scripture readings, video scripture reflections, announcements, activities, news, and more! Join the 2,000+ who have signed up on the Cathedral Facebook page at or click on the Facebook icon from our website. “Like” us on Facebook, if you have not done so. 

  4. “Across the Diocese” is a 6-9 minute video series through which our Bishop communicates with us, his people, about various issues and topics. This avenue of communication features guests who serve in and around the Diocese of Owensboro, in the 32 counties of Western Kentucky. Join Bishop Medley every month as he hosts this video conversation! To view the videos and sign up to receive the Across the Diocese e-newsletter, visit our website at

  5. Is It Time to Re-Connect?  Over the past 45 years as a priest, I have discovered there are many reasons why people have left or wandered away from the active practice of their Catholic faith. Whatever the reason, is it time for you to reconnect with your Church family? Do not hesitate to contact Fr. Sinoj, Rick Rhodes (Director of Adult Ministries), or myself, at 270-683-6525. Join us Tuesday, April 6th in the Community Center (downstairs in the church) at 6:00 pm. We would consider it an honor and a privilege to sit with open hearts and dialogue. Think about it.  Talk about it.  Pray about it.

  6. Add to Your Praying! This is a special time for our candidates for First Communion and Confirmation. Please pray for them as they celebrate these Sacraments, which are  windows of opportunity to experience God’s love.

  7. Litany of thanks: Thank you to all those who cleaned the church on March 25 to make sure our worship space looks good for the Easter Season! Your work and time do not go unnoticed! Special thanks to: John & Patsy Clayton, Janice Green, Dan & Sally Halbig, Michael Magan, Bill Riney, Frank & Moggie Riney, Dora Thompson, Martina Wedding, and Helen Williams.