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Solemnity of the 94th Dedication Anniversary

I.  What’s in a Building? We hear so often the words “corner-stone,”  “rock,”  “living stones,” “holy city,” and our bodies as “temples” of the Holy Spirit. What does it all mean?  Christ, in a wonderful way, makes things easy for us to grasp. Theologians have studied, prayed, and discerned the meanings of Holy Scripture and texts. But most of us love the age old parable—a story—with a lesson to be learned at the end. St. John the Apostle, the “Beloved,” who through the guidance of the Holy Spirit, authored the final book of the Bible, Revelation, eloquently paints a picture of the Heavens (as the earth passes away at the end of time). He tells us he “saw a holy city, a new Jerusalem.” He writes “The one who sat on the throne said, ‘Behold, I make all things new.’” (Rev. 21:2a, 5a).  St. Paul tells the Corinthians that “the Master Builder” laid the foundation and we need to be careful how we build lest we damage that foundation, which is Christ. It is by our sharing in Christ’s life, death and resurrection, that we are reborn, made new. A building without a foundation will crumble. Christ builds His Church on the faith of Peter, the “rock.”  Do you perceive a theme here? This beautiful church building, now 94 years old, is the holy symbol of Christ’s Church on earth, our foundation. Happy Dedication Anniversary to you all. (I invite you to read and reflect upon the following Scripture readings before the weekend: 1 Corinthians 3:9c-11, 16-17 and Matthew 16:3-19). What are you building? What are we building?

II.  Labor Day: Workers and employers both have responsibilities under God. The desire to work and to build a better society is hardwired into our DNA; it is intrinsic to our soul. All healthy people seek to work, and should be given the right to do so, with a living wage. This is based on the primary tenant which our Church places on the dignity of the human person.  I invite you to the 9:00 a.m. Mass (whether in-person or via livestream) for the Sanctification of Human Labor on Monday, September 7, to give thanks to God for the gift of your work, and to pray for those who are unemployed or under-employed. (Please note: there will be no 12:05 p.m. Mass on Labor Day).

III.   The Birthday of Mary:  Only the births of Jesus, Mary, and John the Baptizer are celebrated in our liturgical calendar. All three are integral to the mystery of the Incarnation. Mary’s birth was the first of many holy events for this daughter of Israel through whom God chose to carry out the plan of salvation. The Virgin Mary’s assent to be the Mother of God was cooperation with God’s grace. Her ability to fully cooperate with grace was because she was preserved from original sin and its effects. Please join us for Mass at 12:05pm (noon) Tuesday, September 8. I wish we could have cake and ice cream—maybe next year!

IV.  Faith Formation Begins next Sunday, September 13:  All families who have children in our public school system, grades 1-8, are warmly invited and encouraged to participate in Faith Formation. The goals of this program are to encourage and equip you to live and teach your children the Catholic Faith at home. With one adult gathering each month and a whole family gathering four times a year, this program will give you all the knowledge and tools you need to bring your children up in the Faith. To register please contact Hannah Bland by calling the office or by email at [email protected]. Parent Gatherings begin on September 13 from 9:15-10:45am, some in-person and some virtual.

V.  That Man Is You (TMIY):  Yes, men, we can safely distance and invite any man 18 years of age or older to “Come and See” what this is all about. Our first gathering will be Saturday, September 12th, 7:00am in the Community Center.

VI.  Speaking with his Hands!  A Jesuit missionary in Cartagena, ministering to the Africans who were transported and sold as slaves in what is now Columbia, Peter Claver believed it was essential to minister to the physical needs of the starving, ill-kept, and often plague ridden slaves before attempting to evangelize them.  He believed with all his heart that we must speak to them of the love of Christ “with our hands before we try to to speak to them with our lips.”  We celebrate him and his ministry on September 9 in the Liturgical calendar, I invite you to the 7:00am or 12:05pm (noon) Mass on Wednesday, September 9, as we celebrate him and his outreach ministry. Saint Peter Claver (June 16, 1581—September 8, 1654), pray for us!