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June 7, 2020 – The Most Holy Trinity

I.  In Relationship with God! The Solemnity of the Holy Trinity sounds like a theorist’s dream, a celebration of speculation fired by the theological daring that attempts to explain God. But if we take our clues from the Scripture readings for this solemnity, we realize that this celebration simply focuses on the concrete relationships God initiates and sustains with humanity. We celebrate the divine qualities that have been revealed about our triune God: mercy, fidelity, love, grace, and community. Every time we make the sign of the cross, we are professing our belief in The Trinity: God who is Father and Creator, Jesus who is Son and Redeemer, and Holy Spirit who is Uniter and Sanctifier!

II.  We’re Back! This this past weekend of Pentecost we had a total of about 50 more people than the week before at the three Masses. It is wonderful having our people, our community back, though it is still hindered by masked faces and physical distancing. That’s the way it is. People have been most cooperative! Thank you! Despite these hindrances to building community, we have the privilege of receiving Jesus, the Bread of Life, sacramentally. 

     The Sacrament Confirmation will be celebrated Wednesday, June 10, at 6:30pm for our young people. We have 18 confirmandi this year. Unfortunately there will be no reception following this “fanning into a flame the gift of the Spirit received at Baptism.” Though Bishop Medley has delegated confirmation this year to pastors, he will be present for Confirmation at the Cathedral. We are blessed!

     The Elect and the Candidates from our Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) process have been most patient. We will celebrate royally on Sunday, June 14, at 2:00pm, baptizing seven and receiving another thirteen into full communion with the Catholic Church. We can hold 225-250 people! Again, we are delighted that Bishop Medley will return to his Cathedral of Saint Stephen to preside and celebrate Church with us. 

III. The Absolute of Love: Today’s feast of the Trinity invites us to rediscover the many ways in which the love of God is revealed in our lives: in the life God breathed into our souls, in every wonderful work of creation formed by the hand of God, in the love of God dwelling among us in our love of family and friends. In realizing such wonder, may our disappointments in life and our obliviousness to God’s presence be transformed into an awareness of God’s love and a spirit of gratitude for the precious gift of life we have received, not through any doing on our part, but through the limitless love of God. Be grateful!

IV.  Pardon the Nominating Interruption! We were in the process of nominating parishioners to serve on our Parish Pastoral Council when the coronavirus pandemic interrupted our planning!  We have received several nominations, but would like to give everyone another opportunity to nominate someone with a “servant’s heart“ who would be good Council material. The term is for three (3) years. The door for nominations will close on Monday, June 15. 

V.  At the Heart of the Mystery of the Trinity is Relationship!  The Trinity reveals to us who God is. The Holy Spirit (Sanctifier) is the bond of communion between the Father (Creator) and the Son (Jesus, Redeemer). The Trinity is THE model relationship for us. The whole impact of Revelation is this: “relationship” is what God is about, and therefore it is no wonder that we, who are made in the image and likeness of God, are also essentially about relationship.  Dating back to the seventh century, the Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity is “the central mystery of Christian faith and life. It is the mystery of God in Himself. It is therefore the source of all the other mysteries of faith, the light that enlightened them” (Catechism of the Catholic Church, 234). The mystery of God and the Trinity are always, to some extent, beyond us and our human capacities to comprehend fully.  By sitting with the mystery of the Trinity, by wading more deeply into its theological richness, by spending time in contemplation and prayer before it, we are led into deeper communion with God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. When someone finally realizes how much he/she is loved by God, the normal response to that unconditional Love is to love back; this response back to God’s infinite Love is a relationship we call “faith.” We have a window for each person of the Divine Trinity in our church. Do you know where the windows are located in our church? Think blue!!