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February 24, 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,

        I am very glad, and I am sure you are too, that Fr. Jerry is back home with us. Welcome back Fr. Jerry. He will have a lot to tell us from his first experience of India especially that which would help us to widen the horizon of our understanding and increase our Faith. Let us pray that he finds it easy to resume his ministry.

       Our Christian life is unique. What makes us unique is that we follow Christ who taught love in unique manner. Christ is different even when he taught the golden rule—Do unto others as you would have them do unto you—which is found in many other religions in different forms. Christ’s teaching of love is a call to walk the extra mile, an extra mile which is beyond our reasonable thinking; treating others not as they deserve, but as God wishes them to be treated. In the Gospel this weekend Jesus describes the common ways of sensible conduct and then dismissed them with the question, “What credit is that to you?” Often we talk about being human. But Jesus’ question is, “How much better are you than the ordinary human person?” Our goodness shall not be compared with our neighbor; rather, it is compared with God. We may feel well standing when we compare ourselves with others, but when we compare ourselves with God, we will have a long way to go and must grow in our goodness. Jesus’ invitation was not just to become a perfect human being, rather to become perfect as the Heavenly Father is perfect. The Church’s mission is aimed at helping us grow in this perfection toward God. Our Church as a community, has many opportunities for us. As She gives us the Sacraments, liturgies and prayer, so also She gives us opportunities to practice and witness our Faith. The activities of a parish community are to be understood in that sense. Our participation in service to the Church as Lector, Eucharistic Minister, Altar Server or Catechist serves the people of God. It shall not be based on convenience and comparison. When one renders service to God it should be done with the conviction of participating in the work of God serving Him wholeheartedly. Then, we will have that experience of growing towards the goodness of God.

        Therefore I encourage you to participate in the ministries of the Church, our Parish, with enthusiasm. Every month, on the Thursday before the first Friday we have the confession, Adoration and Benediction at our Church. As a parish family how nice it would be to gather together and spend time in Christ’s special presence. Many other opportunities to serve in the parish are Children’s Liturgy of the Word (adults are needed), St. Vincent de Paul Society, That Man Is You, Bible study groups, etc. We also have very many opportunities to volunteer for Liturgies in the Church. Let us make use of all the opportunities to walk an extra mile for our holiness and the glory of God.

Keep Smiling! God loves you!  Fr. Sinoj Pynadath HGN