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May 20, 2018 Pentecost

I.  Feast of Pentecost is an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the Church—upon us who make up the Church! The sacred Scriptures leading up to this remarkable feast of the Holy Spirit, the third person of the Trinity, speak of the Spirit as an Advocate (the very best attorney in the country, in the world), Paraclete (our leaning post), “ruah” (Hebrew for breath, air, wind), and Consoler. 

      A good question for each of us to ask: “Am I open to the Holy Spirit? Is the Holy Spirit active in my life?” If the Holy Spirit is alive in my life, then I will exemplify the fruits of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22). Am I charitable, joyful, and instrument of peace? Am I kind, good, gentle, and patient? Am I generous, faithful, modest, and chaste? Do I exercise self-control? Come Holy Spirit, enkindle in me the fire of your love! 

II.  In Theaters May 18: “Pope Francis: A Man of his Word,” is intended to be a personal journey with Pope Francis, rather than a biographical documentary about him. The pope’s ideas and his message are central to this documentary, which sets out to present his work of reform and his answers to today’s global questions. From his deep concern for the poor and wealth inequality, to his involvement in environmental issues and social justice, Pope Francis engages the audience face-to-face and calls for peace. In this movie about Pope Francis from award-winning director, Wim Wenders, HOPE is a universal language. Watch official film trailer on YouTube, or

III. 5th Annual Health Fair at St. Stephen Cathedral, Saturday, May 26 in Community Center beginning at 7:00am till noon.  Topics include: End-of-Life issues, Dignity in Hospice Healthcare, Living a Long and Healthy Life, plus free cholesterol and blood sugar testing, etc. Is there anything more vital to serving God than by maintaining our health, and the responsibility to care for our body, the temple of God’s Spirit.  This Health Fair is completely free!  Invite your neighbors. If you have any questions, call Deacon Dr. Dirck Curry, and please RSVP by calling 270-316-1668.

IV.  The John J. McRaith Providing Help Creating Hope Award goes to a person in each parish whose seeming endless energy of service spills over joyfully from a life of outreach in all areas of life—home, Church, her children’s school environments, and work. Currently, she serves as board chair for Saint Benedict Emergency Shelter for Men, and coordinates all St. Stephen Cathedral monthly volunteers who provide companionship and meals for residents of this much needed shelter. Congratulations to 2018 recipient Laurie Hicks

V.  The Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) is a marvelous way to share the Gospel message of God’s mercy and love. By supporting this collection, you helped to spread the Good News to people around the country and world. Your donation supports several world radio stations that provide programming to share prayer, catechesis, liturgical celebrations, spirituality, and news. To learn more about the CCC and the projects it supports, visit provides another way for us to “connect with Christ” through the dynamic Spirit. Envelopes for the special collection are in your tithing packets for May 20, Pentecost, or you can give online through WeShare.