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March 18, 2018

I.  Joseph–A Golden Silence: Joseph’s life provides an example that illustrates the truth that most of human history is changed by the quiet goodness and faithful service of ordinary people: ordinary folks who aren’t certain that all their choices are right, ordinary folks who don’t know what the future holds. Joseph is actually never quoted in the Scriptures, yet once Joseph received his mission, he fulfilled it with docile responsibility. In a few but significant strokes, the Evangelists describe Joseph as the “caring guard-ian of Jesus,” and the “attentive and faithful husband,” who exercises his family authority in a constant attitude of service.  “Nothing else is said about Joseph in the Sacred Scriptures, but this silence contains the special style of his mission: a life lived in the grayness of every day life, but with steadfast faith in Providence” (Blessed John Paul II, March 19, 2003). With the Universal Church, we celebrate the feast of Saint Joseph on Monday, March 19th.

II.  Anniversary of the Death of Bishop John: Ordained to the Order of Bishop on March 15, 1982, Bishop John served as our shepherd until ill health demanded he retire in January, 2009. He died on March 19, 2017. For 27 years, Bishop John literally “poured himself out” for the people of the 32 counties of the Diocese of Owensboro. His advocacy for the marginalized and poor, his love for people and appreciation for the earth, along with his humility and humor, set him apart as an approachable and beloved servant leader. On Monday, March 19, the feast of Saint Joseph, patron of the universal Church, Bishop William Medley will celebrate the noon Mass in memory of the third Bishop of the Diocese of Owensboro, John Jeremiah McRaith. You are invited! Let’s remember and give thanks!

III. The Train of Life will be making its way through Owensboro, stopping at the train station on Tuesday, June 12, to pick up Father Jamie Dennis, to carry him up the tracks to St. Mary of the Woods Parish in Whitesville. Choo! Choo! Fr. Jamie will have been with us as a newly ordained priest for two years, ministering to our faith community, especially to our youth and sick/shut-ins at home and health care facilities; we are grateful for his presence and ministry.

Furthermore, Bishop Medley has assigned Fr. Sinoj Pynadath, a Herald of the Good News priest, who has been ordained 10 years, on his first assignment in America, to the Cathedral as our next Parochial Vicar (canon law for “associate pastor”).

IV.  Does Not Need Forgiveness? I believe it is impossible to live on this fallen planet without getting hurt, offended, misunderstood, lied to, and rejected. Learning how to respond properly is one of the basics of our Christian life. The word “forgive” means to wipe the slate clean, to pardon, to cancel a debt, to begin new.  We forgive because God forgave. Read and reflect upon Ephesians 4:31-32 and Romans 5:8.  You are invited to our annual Lenten Reconciliation Service next Sunday (Palm Sunday), March 25, at 2:00pm. We hope to have 12 priests available for you as confessors, including Bishop Medley. Take advantage of this spiritual opportunity!

V. “Sir, We Would Like To See Jesus:”  Today’s Gospel (John 12:20-33) tells us of the Greeks who said this. Who did they think they had come to see?  As non-Jews, they represent the world “outside that in which Jesus had spent his ministry.” With their coming, by opening up Jesus’ mission to the whole world, He can now proceed to its final stage.  His “hour,” as John puts it, had finally arrived. This hour, longer than 60 minutes, is the entire process that we shall shortly be celebrating in Holy Week, and particularly in the Triduum (three days), the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus, the Christ, Son of God and Son of Man.