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February 18, 2108

I.  Communal Anointing of the Sick will be celebrated on Wednesday, February 21 at the noon Mass. The themes of reconciliation and healing are the “spiritual touch-downs” for the season of Lent. St. Paul reminds us that if one member of the Body of Christ (the Church) suffers, then all members suffer with them (cf 1 Corinthians 12:26). When the Church gathers to pray for and support those who are ill, it fulfills Her identity as Christ’s body and exercises its ministry of compassion. Be sensitive that some people need may need transportation. A light lunch will be served afterwards. Spread the Word!

II.  Kiosk in our Church Vestibule! New Lenten materials through Lighthouse Media—Augustine Institute (CDs, pamphlets, books) have been ordered just for you. Special thanks to Lorraine McFarland for coordinating this service for our community. Be inspired by reflections from Bishop Robert Barron or learn about a saint. What inspires you?

III. Have you engaged FORMED yet? The best Catholic videos, audios and ebooks can be accessed anytime, anywhere, and are available to you as a member of Saint Stephen Cathedral parish. You can take it anywhere you have a mobile device. Visit to claim your free content—log-on using our parish code J8M44Y

IV.  Searching for a Youth Ministry Director! Passionate about leading youth into a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ?  Our Youth Director would oversee a strategic vision for Youth Ministry at the Cathedral for middle school, high school, and young adults, helping to integrate them into the life of our parish. Candidates must be practicing Catholics in good standing, involved in a parish community, and have had previous experience working with youth and/or young adults. Furthermore, a candidate must be able to work flexible hours including evenings & weekends; a BA degree in Theology, Catholic Studies or equivalent experience is preferred.

Thanks to the following people who have agreed to be on our Search Committee: Mary Hall (Diocesan HR Director), Charlie Hardesty (Diocesan Youth Director), Carl Lewis, Eddy McFarland (Business Manager), and Amanda Reffitt. As I have verbally mentioned to our Parish Pastoral Team and Council, I will disengage myself from the Search Committee until they recommend the top two (or three) candidates. I ask the parish to be praying that the right candidate will be selected.

V.  Birthright Baby Bottles, were handed out after weekend Masses on January 21, thanks to coordinator, Kate Abney. You churned heavy whipping cream into rich butter for parents (mostly single, poor, and needy) with babies who begin their life at a disadvantage. Birthright provides formula, diapers, clothing and counseling; Birthright was thrilled to receive $3,008.35 from your generosity!


Helen Miles                 Maurice Schaefer                  Mary C. Kelley
Henry Luckett            Bertha Horrell                        Margaret O’Bryan Mills
D. J. Clark                    Harry Baumgarten               Iona Simon
Colene Jennings        Virginia Curry                        Lillian Gentry

“Lent is a favorable time in which to rediscover faith in God as the foundation of our lives and of the Church’s life.”

Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI