April 23, 2017

I. Easter joy and gratitude! Was not this the best celebration of the Triduum and Easter ever! A huge gratitude to all of those liturgical ministers–ministers of hospitality, servers, Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, sacristans, art and environment people, music ministers–who made this happen. Especially thanks to the parish pastoral team who have worked diligently and feverishly…

Easter Sunday

I. Welcome and Happy Resurrection!  Easter is a many faceted festival! It celebrates Jesus’ Risen Life, but also celebrates our own share in it. It celebrates Jesus’ love for all humanity, but also celebrates our call to love as Jesus did. It celebrates darkness giving way to Light, death giving way to Life, sacrifice giving…

Palm Sunday, April 9

I. Communal Reconciliation Service on Palm Sunday:  This amazing  Sacrament of forgiveness will be offered on Palm Sunday, April 7, at 2:00pm; we plan to have 12 priest available as confessors. The forgiveness of God offered freely must be consciously received! Bring your family! II. Chrism Mass: every Catholic in Daviess County and beyond, should…

April 2

I. Child Abuse Prevention Month: “And people were bringing children to him that he might touch them, but the disciples rebuked them. When Jesus saw this he became indignant and said to them, “let the children come to me.”  Mark 10: 13-14.  “Promise to Protect—Pledge to Heal” is the theme for April which has been…

March 26

I.  The Most Reverend John Jeremiah McRaith (December 6, 1934-March 19, 2017):  The Diocese mourns the loss of Bishop McRaith, whom we laid to rest on Friday, March 24. He was appointed as the third Bishop of Owensboro in October 1982 by Pope John Paul II and served as the good shepherd of our diocese…

Pastor’s Corner

I.       Joseph—Just and Upright! One of the greatest compliments a man can receive is that he is just and upright (always behaving in an honest way; having high moral standards; right minded, honorable, virtuous). Joseph provides an example that illustrates the truth that most of human history is changed by the just, upright, ordinary folks…

Pastor’s Corner

I. Welcome to Father Bede Cisco, OSB, who will be here for a “Saint Meinrad Sunday” this weekend. Saint Meinrad Benedictine Archabbey and School of Theology is less than a 60 minute drive from Owensboro! We are so blessed to have this tremendous resource available to our Diocese. There will be no second collection; however,…

Pastor’s Corner

I. Best Lent Ever: don’t just give up chocolate for Lent; God wants more. God wants our heart! God wants conversion in certain areas of our life! Sign up for Best Lent Ever, a FREE, video-based email program featuring intentionally a claim speaker and New York Times best-selling author Matthew Kelly. From Ash Wednesday to Easter…

Bishop Medley’s Statement on Immigration

February 22, 2017 My dear sisters and brothers in Christ, In recent months, but most especially in recent days, our nation’s attention has been focused on the reality of our more than 11.1 million undocumented immigrants. Our new president asserts that following his election, our country is expecting intensified enforcement of immigration laws. Yet, credible…

Pastor’s Corner

I. Day of Public Catholicism: this Wednesday, March 1 is Ash Wednesday, a day when Catholics crowd churches everywhere to celebrate Mass and have ashes smeared upon their foreheads, symbolizing their desire for ongoing spiritual conversion. “Turn away from sin and believe in the Gospel.” May this not be an empty symbol, but one that…