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October 29, 2017 – Priesthood Sunday

I.  Solemnity of All Saints:  You and I are called to be saints, to be holy; we have been promised what we need, the grace we need, to become saints. My favorite definition of a saint is:  “a sinner who keeps on trying.” Today we remember all the uncanonized saints, known and unknown, who enjoy the glory of heaven. In today’s Gospel account (Matthew 5: 1-12), we hear the Beatitudes, which are guidelines for true joy and the attainment of sanctity in our Christian lives. The Mass schedule for this Holy Day of Obligation (oppor-tunity) at the Cathedral: Wednesday, November 1st, 7:00 a.m. and 12 noon; Blessed Sacrament Chapel, 6:00 p.m.

II.  All Souls Day (Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed): praying for the dead reaches deep into our human history, and has been our custom from the earliest days of the Church. Every time we profess the Nicene Creed: “I look forward to the resurrection of the dead, and the life of the world to come.” A wonderful way to remember our deceased loved ones is at Mass, in which there is built into our liturgy, a commemoration of the dead. So, regardless of the particular Mass intention, we have an opportunity to remember our deceased loved ones at every Mass. All Souls’ Day Mass schedule on Thursday, November 2nd at St. Stephen Cathedral: 7:00 a.m. and 12:05 p.m.

IIIYou Are Invited to a special All Souls Day Remembrance: Solemn Vespers for the Dead (vespers are the official prayer of the Church). This remembrance will be held Thursday, November 2nd, at 6:00p.m., followed by a reception in the Community Center (coordinated by Marianna Robinson and the Bereavement Committee). Everyone is invited, especially those who have lost loved ones this past year. A special candlelight service will be part of our evening prayer of our deceased loved ones, especially those buried from the Cathedral.

IV.  Book of Remembrance can be found near the tabernacle. Please write the names of any deceased loved ones who have died this past year. If you have written a name in the Book of Remembrance in the past, it is still there and that person will be remembered at all the Masses during the month of November, a month when our Church—the community of the people of God—especially remember those called to eternal life.

V.  “Father of Charity:” feeding the needy with food from the monastery, caring for sick people in the monastery, and beginning a home for abandoned children, Saint Martin de Porres (1579-1639) is called the “father of charity.” At a time in history when there was much racial tension and violence, Martin stood up and took action. He is considered the patron saint of racial justice. We celebrate his feast this Friday, November 3rd.


“Start with compassion and it will lead to forgiveness.”            Mother Angelica