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September 3, 2017

I.  Labor Day Weekend is the end of the summer season and the start of a new school year. Traditionally, Labor Day consists of  barbecues and time to get together with family and friends. Work is an obligation and a right. Both workers and employees have responsibilities under God. The desire to work and to build a better society is hardwired into our DNA, it is intrinsic to our soul. All healthy people seek to work, and should be given the right to do so, with living wages. This is based on primary tenant church placed on the dignity of the human person; indeed, work does build dignity. Do you see the value of work? What is a just wage? Could you live on this wage?

I invite you to the 9:00am Mass on Monday, September 4, to give thanks to God for the gift of your work, and to pray for those who are unemployed or under-employed. (NB: there will be no 7:00am or 12:05pm Mass on Labor Day).

II.  Birthright: is an outreach for those struggling to provide basic needs during pregnancy or after a child’s birth. Birthright is in need of some volunteers who can serve a couple of hours each week. The key requirement is an open, non-judgmental heart. If the Lord might be calling you to help, please call Terri LaHugh at 270-570-5319. Birthright is located at 7th and Locust Street (next to our Youth House).

III.  Block Party at the Pitino Shelter: literally in our backyard, it would be great to have parishioners represent our parish at this block party on Friday, September 8, at 5:00-8:00pm. It is to be a fun evening, and we could set up a booth or interactive game. If interested, contact Mary Beth Hurley.

IV.  That Man Is You (TMIY) begins this Thursday, September 7, at 6:00am for a light breakfast. The program begins at 6:25am. All men 18 years of age and older are invited to participate, even if you have not been part of the first couple of seasons. “It challenges me to be a better husband, a better dad, a better Christian man,” said one participant. “This program has made me more aware of creating a balance in my life between work, family, prayer, and play,” said another man. Why not give it a try!

Prayers and Support for our brothers and sisters in Texas and Louisiana affected by Hurricane Harvey:

From Bishop Medley’s Office, August 28, 2017:

“Torrential and unprecedented  rains continue to fall and drive hundreds or thousands from their homes. . . The Catholic Church of the United States has a generous history of assisting the church in need. [I received] a letter from Archbishop José Gomez, the Archbishop of Los Angeles and the Vice President of the USCCB, inviting Catholics across the nation now to respond again in charity. Moneys collected will be distributed to local churches through Catholic Charities USA and from the USCCB.”

I am asking for your generosity for Catholic Charities and I am asking for you to pray for those who are suffering from the effects of this hurricane. May God send healing and consolation to that region and may our prayers join the prayers of the faithful around the country and around the world. Checks should be made payable to St. Stephen Cathedral with “Hurricane” in the memo line. You may also give on-line through WeShare.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Mary, our Heavenly Mother. We celebrate the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary on Friday, September 8th. Let us rejoice in the Mother of our salvation! Amen!