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Pastor’s Corner

Buildings & Grounds Update:

This past week, there was a crane on site to change the high wattage lightbulb (which lights up our beautiful church bell tower) on the rectory chimney, to straighten several tile on the rectory roof; in the process, the roofing company discovered the cause (we hope) of a moisture leak in the corner bedroom (formerly Fr. Suneesh’s) of the rectory.

The same roofing company discovered some cracked bricks near the areas where the inside moisture is appearing below the two stained glass windows in the apse of the church. They also recaucked the flashing on the lower rotund area behind the sanctuary near the stained glass windows. A longer crane will also be needed to straighten some of the tile higher on the church roof. As soon as this work is completed, we will replaster and repaint in the church sanctuary.

By the way, the 6th air-conditioner since I arrived “died” this past week! It’s the air conditioner that cools my office as well as the conference room, reception area, and kitchen. This new air-conditioner will cost approximately $4,700.00. Stay tuned!

Save The Date! On Thursday, September 1st, we will celebrate our Dedication Day, commemorating the original dedication of Saint Stephen Church which was on September 6, 1926, even before it was elevated to a cathedral status in 1937. We will celebrate a Mass of Thanksgiving, followed by a dinner for all! Put it on your calendar!

Cathedral Picnic: our annual picnic/festival is always the third Saturday of September. This year it falls on Saturday, September 17th, beginning at 12 o’clock high noon. On behalf of the entire parish, I think Deacon Dirck Curry for heading up this huge endeavor. This picnic is good for us financially and is a fantastic opportunity to build community!

Bumps on the Journey! “The rumor of my death has been greatly exaggerated” (Mark Twain). On Wednesday, July 27th, I had a routine heart catheterization. In one of my arteries, a 95% blockage was discovered, and as often happens, this artery branched out, and another 95% blockage was found; therefore, I am sporting to new stents in the same artery! How creative! Though over the last couple of years, I was experiencing fatigue, I “chalked it up” to the aging process! Imagine the energy I will have now! Thank you for your many expressions of support and love (notes, texts, messages, calls, food, and prayers). Life is fragile! I promise to slow down!! As I approach my 41st Anniversary of Priesthood Ordination on August 9th, I am grateful for the gift of life and the opportunity to serve the people of Saint Stephen Cathedral. Let’s pray for one another!

Family Bonds! On August 6th, my nephew, Christopher Joseph Riney,  entered into the Sacrament of Marriage with Rachel Fahey Chitwood at St. Louis Bertram Church in Louisville. It certainly reminded me, again, that a wedding is about more than just two people; truly, it involves a community! What a great time for family and friends celebrating with Chris and Rachel, knowing they will continue to need the love and support of community!