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Get Involved!

Greetings of Joy and Hope!

Pray about how God is calling you to share your blessings of talent and treasure, then complete a Prayer, Service, and Generosity pledge form! A printable pledge form is available, or you may complete an online pledge (see links below).

The following links provide ministry descriptions to help you choose the ministries in which you and your family members would like to serve. 


Music Ministries

Social Concerns and Outreach

Community and Family Enrichment

Education and Formation

Children’s/Youth Ministries

Parish Administration

Spiritual Enrichment Opportunities

Click here to complete an ONLINE 2025 Prayer, Service, and Generosity Pledge Form:

OR…Click here to access a PRINTABLE 2025 Prayer, Service, and Generosity Pledge Form; then mail it to the Parish Office or drop it in one of the collection boxes at the doors.