May 17, 2020 – Sixth Sunday of Easter

I.  Spotlighting Our High School Graduates, Class of 2020: Congratulations on successfully completing this milestone in your life: Cecelia Clemens, Noah Edelen, Andrew Ellis, Etienne Forsythe, Maria Fuchs, Mary Grace Hemingway, Danielle Henning, Isabella Henning, Ashlin McCarthy, Emma Mills, Lily Moore, Will Murphy, Taylor Norton, Kevin Payne, Kate Weafer, and Isabella Wright. As you move forward on your journey, take with you: 1) Family— remember your roots and those who have loved and challenged you unconditionally; 2) Friends—true friends bring out the best in you, and will stand by you in joy and in sorrow; 3) Faith—a tremendous bottomless resource. Stay in touch with God, and walk personally with his Son, Jesus Christ. Nourish yourself weekly through prayer, Mass and Sacraments.

II.  Faith Forms Conscience: Faith spurs believers to do the right thing for the right reasons. In the early part of the 20th century, Mahatma Gandhi mused over the fate of human life when goodness wanes because a lack of faith. Gandhi thought about it in terms of those ways that bring an imbalance to our daily living. He called them the seven deadly social sins:

¨ wealth without work

¨ commerce without morality

¨ politics without principle

¨ leisure without conscience

¨ education without character     

¨ science without humanity

¨ worship without sacrifice

People of faith seek to do these activities out of a faith-based motivation; that is, to enter into political activity with principles of justice, to provide commerce that that is morally just, and to educate in a way that builds character. Every such activity has, of its own nature, a distinct purpose and set of ethics.

III. Catholic Communication Campaign (CCC) helps the Church spread the Gospel message through the media locally and nationally. Your donation supports several world radio stations that provide programming to share prayer, catechesis, liturgical celebrations, spirituality, and news. Half of all donations to the CCC collected stays in our diocese to support local communications needs. This annual collection takes place appropriately on or near the Feast of Pentecost, as the Spirit made possible a oneness in understanding through many tongues/languages. To learn more about the CCC and the projects it supports, visit  Note the envelope in your tithing packet or you may give online through WeShare

IV.  Theology of the Hammer: Habitat for Humanity (H4H) is an international Christian organization which builds houses for qualified low-income families. Home owner partners agree to: sweat equity, maintenance of house/property, and timely mortgage payments. The use of a nail and a hammer can become an instrument to manifest God’s love!  Through our Social Concerns Committee, our parish normally promises $3000 to H4H; however, because H4H wishes to purchase land for several Habitat for Humanity homes, we would like to double that amount to $6000 this year. There is an envelope in your May and June tithing packets, or you may give on-line through WeShare!

V.  The Gift That Keeps On Giving! We are grateful to be able to bring our liturgies to you via livestream, which has been a source of comfort during this time physically away from Eucharist. Purchase of the livestream cameras and equipment were made possible because we received a generous bequest, which was also used to purchase our beautiful choir chairs, to put an amplifier and speakers in our bell tower, to chemically waterproof the concrete slab for our St. Francis Garden (this was the leaking ceiling of the bridal suite below!), and new furniture for the bridal suite itself. We are grateful and blessed!