November 11, 2018 Pastor’s Corner

I.  Anniversary of Ordination, Farewell & Gratitude: we are saddened to bid farewell to Deacon & Doctor Dirck Curry, and his wife, Chona Curry, as they move to Virginia, Illinois. Grateful for their time with us in our St. Stephen Cathedral faith community, we will officially say “Thanks” on the 16th Anniversary of Deacon Dirck’s Diaconate Ordination, Saturday, December 8 at the 9:00am Mass, followed by a reception in our Community Center. If you would like to help with the reception, your assistance is welcome! Please contact the Parish Office at 270-683-6525 or [email protected]

II.  8th Annual Faith Fest Owensboro: “The problems we face today—violent conflicts, destruction of nature, poverty, hunger and so on—are human-created problems which can be resolved through human effort, understanding and the development of a sense of brotherhood and sisterhood.  We need to cultivate a universal responsibility for one another and the planet we share” (His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama, Nobel Peace Prize Acceptance Speech). Note the activities of Faith Fest this week: the Drum Circle, Dealing with Violence dialogue, introduction to Sikhism & Prayer, Vespers and Open House (610 Locust St.), Torah study, Sacred Text Exhibit, Thanksgiving Community Meal (7th & Sycamore Streets). 

III. Porch Update:  The plan for this past week was to pour the concrete porch slab, weather permitting. In fact, so much of this project depends upon good weather.  My hope and expectation is that we will be welcoming our visitors and parishioners alike to our Christmas Masses via the new porch! I also recall the pithy Robert Burns’ poem, To A Mouse: “The best laid schemes o’ mice an’ men gang aft a-glee.” Loosely translated as “no matter how careful a project is planned, it may not always stay on target!” Regardless, I am grateful for your generous monetary contributions and prayerful support that make this necessary project possible.

IV.  Frances Xavier Cabrini (1850-1917) on Tuesday, November 13: And Italian immigrants to the United States, “Mother Cabrini” was the first American citizen to be canonized a saint. As a girl, Frances dreamed of sailing to China as a missionary.  In 1880, she founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and her community’s work/ministry drew the attention of Pope Leo XIII, who sent her, instead, to New York City in 1889 to minister to Italian immigrants. She founded 67 institutions— hospitals, orphanages, schools— throughout the United States, Europe and South America. Did you know that we have a stained-glass window in our Cathedral honoring this strong woman of faith? Here’s a hint—look north over the choir area. St. Frances Cabrini, patron of immigrants, pray for us.

V.  Inseparable Twins: this past week Jesus reminded us that love of God and love of neighbor are inseparable (Matthew 12:28-34). While not a suggestion, but a command, Jesus wisely and boldly challenges us. “Who is my neighbor?” is not a geographical question, but a theological one; it’s a faith question. 

I sought my soul, 

 but my soul I could not see. 

I sought my God, 

but my God eluded me. 

I sought my neighbor, 

and I found all three.”    (author unknown)