May 27, 2018, The Most Holy Trinity

In Relationship with God! The solemnity of the Holy Trinity sounds like a theorist’s dream, a celebration of speculation fired by the theological Daring that attempts to explain God. But if we take our clues from the Scripture readings for this solemnity, we realize that this celebration simply focuses on the concrete relationships God initiates and sustains with humanity. Every time we make the sign of the cross, we are professing our believe in God who is Father and Creator, Jesus who is Son and Redeemer, and Holy Spirit who is Uniter and Sanctifier!

I.  Ethics in Church Construction: representing the Diocese of Owensboro, Fr. Tony Shonis will share with us Church teaching on building projects, how the Church spend its money, how we treat workers. Along with members of our Parish Pastoral Council, Finance Committee, Building Committee, everyone in the parish is invited to this instructional meeting, 30 minutes of presentation followed by 15 minutes of discussion. We welcome back Fr. Tony Shonis, former associate pastor at Saint Stephen Cathedral, on Wednesday, May 30th at 6:00 p.m., in the Community Center. Please use the parking lot entrance or elevator.

II.  Corpus Christi (Body of Christ) Procession: on Sunday, June 3rd, the Universal Church will celebrate the Feast of the Body and Blood of Jesus. As you may well remember, the Diocese of Owensboro is celebrating a “Year of Encounter” in conjunction with a four year emphasis on Evangelization and Re-Evan-gelization (for those who are already Baptized, Eucharisted, and Confirmed, but have not had a conversion/encounter with the Lord). You are invited to gather on Saturday, June 2nd at 10:00 a.m. at The Immaculate Heart of Mary Chapel at Brescia University for a procession led by Bishop Medley with the Blessed Sacrament; this procession will end at Saint Stephen Cathedral. (In case of inclement weather, a holy hour will take place at Saint Stephen Cathedral from 10-11:00 a.m.). Everyone is invited!

III. Confirmed in Gratitude! Last Sunday’s Confirmation celebration with Bishop Medley was inspiring!  A special thanks to James Wells and the choir for helping us, through song and musical instruments, to open our hearts and minds to God’s powerful and infectious Spirit! Thanks also to Donna Murphy, Director of Faith Formation, for competently overseeing the two year Sacrament of Confirmation preparation, yet another year. Furthermore, I thank Fr. Jamie Dennis, seminarian Mark Schuster, and Katelyn West for sharing their faith and catechizing our youth. After four years of giving her time, energy, and faith witness, as part of our Confirmation Team, Katelyn Stallings West is stepping aside from this ministry to further her education as a teacher. We are grateful for your service and will miss you, Katelyn!

IV. Fr. Jamie Dennis Boarded the Train at 1:04 a.m. on Monday, May 21st and will return to our Cathedral rectory from vacation on  Friday, June 1st.  It’s my understanding that he’s on another adventure to California. Fr. Jamie is fond of trains! And he maneuvers them quite well!