December 30, 2018 – The Feast of the Holy Family (Pastor’s Corner)

I.  Family Can Be Messy: Mary, Joseph, and Jesus were a family deeply immersed in rituals and traditions of their people. In today’s Gospel we hear how they kept the feast of Passover by traveling to Jerusalem to celebrate this holy day. In our lives we are given a family and also the family of…

December 23, 2013

I.  The Mystery of the Incarnation: God sending His only begotten Son to us as a baby, born of Mary; God taking on our humanity so that we can share His divinity. Jesus born 2000+  years ago in Bethlehem, Jesus will come in glory at the end of time, Jesus with us now as Emmanuel,…

December 16, 2018 – Rejoice/Gaudete Sunday (Pastor’s Corner)

Keeping Safe & Secure Project Update:  We are excited about the great progress being made! The porch deck and steps have been poured, the heating elements are installed, and the brick work on the front is well underway. The limestone center of the front brick work will feature the coat of arms of the Diocese…

December 9, 2018 – Second Sunday of Advent

I.  Instrument of God’s Presence: just as Mary and Joseph, Zachariah and Elizabeth, John the Baptizer, Isaiah and other prophets, were instruments of God’s presence, so are we called be to the presence of God—indeed, the presence of Jesus—as we journey through this season of Advent. May the following prayer challenge you as it challenged…

December 2, 2018, Advent begins

Gratitude & Farewell to the Currys!  As Doctor &  Deacon Dirck and Chona Curry move to Virginia, Illinois, we are grateful for their ministry and presence in our faith community, and beyond. You are invited to celebrate the 9:00am Mass on December 8, the Feast of Mary’s Immaculate Conception, which is also Deacon Dirck’s 16th…

November 25, 2018 – Christ the King

I.  Church Involvement: Receiving & Giving: What is your definition of Church? A big part of “belonging” to the Church, the “People of God,” is sharing your life, sharing who you are and what you have. Let’s face it, I will be accountable for how I have used everything God gave me. The naked truth is:…

November 18, 2018 – 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time

I.  Gratitude & Stewardship: Are you aware of God’s blessings to you? Everything, all the gifts we have—our health, our time on earth, families and friends, our skills and abilities, our opportunities and possessions, even the air we breathe—come from God!  We need to not on these gifts; they are entrusted to us for our…

November 11, 2018 Pastor’s Corner

I.  Anniversary of Ordination, Farewell & Gratitude: we are saddened to bid farewell to Deacon & Doctor Dirck Curry, and his wife, Chona Curry, as they move to Virginia, Illinois. Grateful for their time with us in our St. Stephen Cathedral faith community, we will officially say “Thanks” on the 16th Anniversary of Deacon Dirck’s…

November 4, 2018 Pastor’s Corner

I.  “What Does It Mean To Be Catholic Today?” This is the focus of our Parish Mission, which again this year will be in conjunction with the good people of Blessed Mother and Sts. Joseph and Paul parishes. This Tri-Parish Mission always inspires me as parishioners from three different parishes join together to pray, discuss, grow,…

October 28, 2018

I.  Becoming Saints is our Baptismal Call:  we begin this month with the solemn reminder that not only are we called to be saints, we are expected to lead a holy life. Each one of us has what it takes to “die to selfishness and sin, and rise with Christ.” We do this by developing…