August 20, 2017

I.  Hate in America: We’ve all heard about the violence which took place in Charlottesville, Virginia on Saturday, August 12th. It is difficult to fathom that there are still “hate groups,” “white supremacists,” and “Neo-Nazis” in our country in this day and time. Hatred, Bigotry, Violence, Intolerance is NOT Christian, period! Bishop Desmond Tutu, during a difficult time of struggle, gave this simple but telling insight into the turmoil of his South African homeland at the time: “Many years ago… we (blacks) were thought to be human, but not quite as human as white people, for we lacked what seemed indispensable to that humanity—a particular skin color. We have a wonderful country with truly magnificent people, if only we could be allowed to be “human together.”

Most of us would consider ourselves fair-minded and unbiased, neither bigots nor racists; but, if we’re honest, we would probably recognize times we have treated people as if they were “a little less human” because they did not possess some quality or ingredient we consider imperative. We underestimate people because they are somehow different. We treat them as inferiors because they don’t quite “measure up” to what we think they should or should not be. The Lord does not measure us (all His people) by our standards, but welcomes to His holy mountain all who do what is “right” and “just.” The Canaanite woman in today’s Gospel (Matthew 15:21-28) possesses the depth of faith and compassion by which we can be “human together.”

II.  Financial Accountability & Gratitude: Inserted in this bulletin you will find where God’s money was spent the fiscal year, July 1, 2016—June 30, 2017, and the budget proposals by our finance committee, approved by our  Pastoral Parish Council, for the fiscal year which began July 1, 2017 and ends June 30, 2018. Gratitude is the word which keeps lingering in my heart. Thanks to so many of you who give of your time, talent, and treasure so generously. “God loves a cheerful giver” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7). Looking at the budget this coming year, with each family/household doing their part, we can easily average $19,808.00 each week, which is needed to meet this year’s budget. Giving back to God through the Church Jesus founded is a spiritual discipline (and a Precept of the Church) which keeps us centered on what is important; it’s so easy to fill up our live with “things,” thinking that will make us happy. Only “letting go” of our treasure can be freely done when given in gratitude for all that God does for us.

III.  Parish Pastoral Council Members were “retreating” at the Passionist Monastery near Whites-ville on Saturday, August 19th. This was a time of reflection and prayer, a time of getting to know one another better, so that we can work together better for the good of our Cathedral faith community.

IV.  BACKPACK MINISTRY: School is now in full swing and we need your help! A meeting for anyone interested in volunteering for the new school year for this ministry will be Monday, August 21st, at 6:00 p.m. in the backpack room. Again, this year, we will be providing weekend bags of food for our little neighbors in need at Hager Preschool. Help us stock our shelves with individual mac and cheese, canned pasta (Ravioli, SpaghettiOs, etc.), and fruit cups or applesauce. Any quantity would help! Bring your donation to church and put in baskets by the altar. These packs are the only food the children have to eat over the weekends away from school.